Mood Swings
Your symptoms and how you can manage them
So asking the question to you on the Private facebook group allows me to help you with something that is really causing you issues. A few of you replied and there were 4 different symptoms that came up. Here they are in order of what was the most common mentioned.
Mood Swings
Brain Fog
Skin Issues
So I wanted to be able to offer you some advice and help to guide you through this.
Mood Swings
Moods and emotions are often noticeable in Peri and post menopause. These can often be linked with others feelings of being out of control. Its so common to have anger outbursts as you feel that sometimes there is no other way of expressing yourself.
I cannot stress how important it is to be able to manage your stress and relax. This means taking time to think about what does make you feel chilled out. The more relaxed and stress free you feel, the more you will be able control your anger.
Start making a note of what triggers those anger feelings and make a note of when you have a mood swing.
Is it a person ? a relationship? do you feel angry with them because they don’t understand you ?
Its so important to not only work on yourself but to also talk to your close ones about what is making you get angry or frustrated. If your not in a relationship and feel you have no one to talk, try joining a social group where you can talk. Also communicate more on groups like the Move Over Menopause facebook group, you will then be able to chat to others with similar situations and symptoms.
A great way to manage anger and low moods and thats with exercise. Do it when your mood starts getting low. Doing exercise sends the happy hormones to the brain, it gives you energy and makes you feel invigorated.
If you are feeling anger or having mood swings frequently they they can start to have effects on you.
Physical Health - ~ High Levels of stress and anger makes you more susceptible to heart disease and diabetes, weakened immune system, insomnia and high blood pressure.
Mental Health - it can consume huge amounts of mental energy and clouds your thinking making it harder to concentrate and enjoy life. This leads to stress, depression and can lead to other mental health problems.
Career - Having constructive criticism and creative differences can be healthy but lashing out at individuals can push you away from colleagues or even clients.
Relationships - Anger can cause bad scars to people that you love the most, it can get in the way of friendships and relationships. Trust is so important in any relationship and becoming angry and uncontrollable can minimise the trust that people feel for you. It can be espeically damaging to children.
Anger is a normal reaction but you need to learn how to manage it. It is important that in our life we get angry sometimes and show our feelings , its how we do it and how we can control it, by understanding the message behind the emotion and not losing control. The more you mange it the easier it becomes. The payoff for control is huge and can help make your life happy and so much more satisfying.
Indetify your triggers
Negative thought patterns that can trigger your anger
Learn ways to cool down quickly
Take some deep breaths
Get Moving
Use your senses
Stretch or massage areas that are tense.
Slowly count to 10
Give yourself a reality check (how important is the problem thats making you angry)
Find healthy ways to express anger ( resolve conflict positively )
Fight fair (its cool to be upset with someone but always be respectful when expressing your needs)
Make the relationship priority ( maintain and stregthen your relationship instead of trying to be the winner of a fight or argument)
Be willing to forgive
I know this might feel like its not going to help but trust me it really does and feeling relaxed and stress free is totally the answer. When your hormones are fluctuating and you feel your mood is dropping and you feel the urge to pick a fight just talk to the other person and always explain how your feeling. Before you feel your going to have an outburst think do i really need to say anything or can you just retract from the situation and go and count to 10 or do what you have found give your chill time.
Mine is Reading I love it and it totally relaxes me. I also find that when my mood gets low. Doing the Wim Hof breathing technique is a game changer, concentrate of doing it properly to feel the benefits.
You can also try taking supplements but make sure they are natural. I’m always banging on about the natural supplements i take but thats only because they actually work for me. What works for me could work for you too.
Pure Seaweed. - Natural, plant-based source of Iodine
Supports thyroid health
Improves cognitive function
Boosts energy & metabolism
Supports maintenance of healthy skin
The one that I also know helps me is Focus + Naturally supports focus and concentration
Increases mental performance
Supports Brain Health
Boosts Energy and Metabolism
Supports Healthy Eyes and Vision
100% Natural ingredients