Claire Horn-Lifestyle-Menopause & Interiors

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Weight and Metabolism

Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Health and Menopause

Why the hell do we gain weight at this time of our lives? If we are eating the same ? We are as active as we were before?

Well let me explain………

As we enter the Perimenopausal/Menopausal stages of our life, hormones start to fluctuate and our levels start to lower. This then means we start to store our fat differently. This is often around the abdomen instead of our hips. Which means we could find our shape changing from a pear shape figure to an apple.

Carrying this extra weight can mean we are at more risk of health problems including type 2 diabetes and heart disease. So it’s important to take action.

I have gained weight completely across my belly which I know is the factors of fluctuating hormones.I also personally have had issues with digestion, mainly indigestion and heart burn. This is because the digestive system relies on hormone balance and if they’re busy changing levels then it can influence the delicate balance of the guts microbiome (millions of microorganisms) found in the gut supporting digestive and immune health. This can then cause other symptoms like……

Bloating-Wind-Constipation-Changes in bowl habits-Abdominal pain. So many of us gain weight during this time.

The declining levels of circulating Estrogen during perinmenopause, can cause rapid changes in the body metabolism, fat distribution and insulin resistance.

Did you know that we produce different types of Estrogen and Estradiol which is the most primary and most powerful form of Estrogen and plays an important role in regulating metabolism and weight.

Estrogen interacts with other hormones that also control the metabolism like the following ………

Leptin-Which helps regulate energy production by inhibiting hunger overlapping roles with Estrogen in the brain. They both influence appetite and fat formation. Which is why declining estrogen can effect how hungry we are and how much we eat and as mentioned earlier can change the locations of where the fat is stored.

Another hormone - Cortisol which is produced by the adrenal gland is involved in the bodies stress response. When Estrogen levels fall Cortisol levels rise raising the blood pressure and blood sugar this then slows down the release of stomach acid and the movement of the digested food in the small intestine which then results in issues like bloating, wind and constipation.

Insulin- this hormone controls blood sugar and glucose. Insulin enables the body to use the sugars from food that we eat rather than let large amounts get into the bloodstream. So Estrogen’s beneficial and essential function is optimising the action of insulin.

Weight gain is also linked to lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise, diet and sleep. Our bodies need less energy than when we were young or pregnant but as I said right at the beginning we eat the same diet! so this is something that we could look at changing. Smaller portions, and making sure your eating healthily.

Our joints become less flexible so we may find ourselves not moving as well of less. This then means we again use less energy. Life pressures also add to the issue, stress, financial pressures plus worrying about all of our symptoms. That’s a lot to think about.

Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash

So after all that what can we do???????

Exercise- Strengthen those bones/muscles of yours and protect the joints. It can help relive stress too and helps you maintain a healthy weight which then improves the quality of your Peri/Menopausal life.

Consider HRT- This as many people think does not lead to weight gain.You now know as above what leads to your Peri/Menopausal weight gain. What It does help is to replace the hormones that are gradually lowering. Which then relieves our symptoms.

  • Food diary-Particular foods can trigger symptoms such as bloating and digestive issues. I have stopped spicy foods and alcohol like White wine and cider, this causes me nothing but uncomfortable pain with heartburn. So keeping a note on the food that triggers this for you is a good way to relieve those symptoms.

  • Portion control from a selection of food groups like. Fruit-Veg-Oily Fish-Nuts-Whole Grains-White Meat. Writing what you eat down means you can make changes like reducing sugar and processed food.

  • Manage your stress- Stress increases Cortisol influencing your weight and abdominal fat. Do things that help to wind you down, like meditation, mindfulness or something creative. I personally do the Wim Hof breathing technique and not forgetting the cold showers everyday. For me these are total game changers, I recommend your to try.

  • Also drink plenty of water, this will help with any bowel issues and help make you regular. If you hate drinking water try adding some fresh mint and cucumber along with some ice.

  • Invest in a Nutri Bullet, they are fabulous for smoothie making in the morning. Look out for my smoothie recipes coming soon….

  • My last recommendation is exercise. Its a must for us all and doesnt have to be over the top but focus on fitness and bone strength you will feel sooooo much better. I wish i never had a break in my fitness, but that is how fluctuating hormones makes us feel. if your not one for going to an actual gym because either you can’t get there or its just not for you I would join up to own your goals. Create a space in your home thats for you and your workouts/yoga/pilates/dance? whatever you want to do or in your lounge. you just need a mat , some light weights? (some weights on my product recommend page) Chat to me in the facebook group if you would like motivation? we can motivate each other ?

So there you have it information overload LOL,

Feel free to comment below on how you’re feeling. If you are worried about your weight always contact a health professional.

Love Claire x