Claire Horn-Lifestyle-Menopause & Interiors

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Woman & Feelings in Peri/Menopause

There are so many hurdles to jump when your going through Peri/Menopause, and its still a taboo subject. Making some woman feel alone. Especially when we are under constant criticism and live in a youth obsessed world. Age is not something to be ashamed of it is a sign of beauty , accomplishment and deep wisdom. My journey so far has been so up and down.

Fighting Health anxiety has been real getting told I have OCD health anxiety was a relief to me because I thought I was going mad. Now I can start to rewire my thoughts into thinking about the here and now.

I have finally gained control of a few things. My periods are another story but those dam Fibroids mixed with Perimenopause can seriously do one. However my Periods have lightened up and not so painful anymore. Is that down to the natural Iodine I take ?

I have changed the way I eat dramatically. I am so mindful of what I eat now and have even got rid of the Red Wine. I’m so excited to see the differences in myself after stopping the booze. I have spent the last three years wanting to get out of the weekend cycle of drinking. I wasn’t a heavy drinker but I did like to share wine with my other half, but after every weekend I would hate the fact that I had drank, feeling paranoid that I’m damaging my health and future health and for what ? an evening of feeling fuzzy. (and that isn’t the Health anxiety by the way that’s down to knowing the truth about what booze can do to our bodies)After the age of 40 our liver slows down and doesn’t process the alcohol like it used to. Thats the reason we feel the hangovers now. Not only there there are so many others things that it affects and puts you at risk of certain diseases. Something I wont go into now, this is just about my journey so far not about preaching (not this time anyway LOL)

I have as much fun if not more not drinking. However the looks you get and peer pressure is unreal when you ask for a sparkling water. I’m thick skinned so I don’t care. Im not one for cutting it out for just dry January I don’t feel it should be a fad and then go back to it after whats the point?

What I will teach myself to do is to have a glass for a special occasion, its all about training your brain but once you study the facts about what is bad for us, you soon change your mindset just like how I have done with food.

Moderation is always the path we should take. Did you know that red wine can actually be quite good for us and our brains. It is high in resveratrol which is a potent antioxidant. BUT a 5 ounce glass once in a while and no more than once a day can be good for you.

My HRT seems to be settled now although I do still get the anger bursts about nothing every now and then but this is at certain times of my cycle and something I realise is not really me and just my hormones.

My life now is full of good food, cold water therapy, HRT, books, books and more books and talking to others about their journey and teaching all I have learnt on how to navigate Peri/Menopause. I am so excited about the future and changing my little Move Over Menopause business into a kick ass CIC that Is all about supporting others and having a great life.

Note to self - must clean my keyboard before photographing it next time.


Love Claire x